Best Croissant in Paris【 Boulangerie Mamiche 】Tips for a solo trip in France

Best croissant in Paris

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Hello everyone. I’m @owncolors50_jp a blogger based in Okinawa, focusing on travel and lifestyle.

Here are some tips and recommendations for those visiting Paris, France for the first time, based on my own experiences and what I found to be particularly enjoyable.

This was my first solo trip to France, and it was my third day in Paris. Note that although it was mid-April, it was still quite cold in Paris.

In my previous post, I introduced Parisian supermarkets. This time, I would like to recommend the bread I had during my trip to Paris, as it was so delicious that I still can’t forget the taste.

Before my trip, my friends had recommended that I try the bread in Paris, and I’m glad I did! So, let’s take a closer look at what I discovered.


・What is a bakery called in French?


In French, a bakery is called a “Boulangerie.”

“Bakery” is the English word, so when you go to France, you should see signs saying “Boulangerie.”

By the way, a “Pâtisserie” is a pastry shop.

Most of these shops have glass fronts, so you can easily spot them while walking around.

・Highly recommended! The bakery “Boulangerie MAMICHE” in the 10th arrondissement of Paris.


MAMICHE CHÂTEAU   32 Rue du Château d’Eau, 75010 Paris, France

This time, I wholeheartedly recommend the bakery MAMICHE.

There are several MAMICHE locations, including one in the 10th arrondissement of Paris where I stayed, as well as MAMICHE CHÂTEAUMamiche TraiteurMamiche condorcet It would be even better if one of these locations is near where you’re staying.

All the bread baked here is 100% homemade.

Early in the morning, there was already a line inside the shop. While waiting, I chose from the displayed bread.

My recommendation is to buy some bread here and enjoy a croissant with a coffee along the Canal Saint-Martin, also in the 10th arrondissement.

How about it? It feels a bit like being in the Netflix drama “Emily in Paris.”

I will update the blog soon with more details about the Canal Saint-Martin.

The exterior of MAMICHE is also lovely. Located on the corner of a street, The atmosphere is really nice.

I absolutely love the atmosphere of bakeries. Personally, I usually buy savory breads, but since I was in France, I really wanted to try an authentic croissant!

While I was deciding which bread to get, it was quickly my turn. The staff, though busy, took my order efficiently.

The staff served with a smile, and even just the simple greetings made the interaction delightful. This alone made me happy from the start of the day.


While choosing my bread and standing in line, I took as many photos as I could.

Since it was cold, I decided to go back to my room to enjoy the bread leisurely. On the way back, I decided to buy a warm coffee from a nearby shop.


The barista at the coffee shop noticed the bag of bread I was holding and kindly came to the door to open it for me.

Parisians were very friendly, making my trip a pleasant experience. A family helped me buy tickets at the metro, a staff member taught me how to use the self-checkout at the supermarket, and several people pointed out when I dropped something. Everyone was so kind and helpful.


The croissant was incredibly fluffy and crispy! Undoubtedly the best I’ve ever had in my life.

I also loved the Beignet with custard filling; it perfectly suited my taste.

If there was a bakery like “MAMICHE” in my neighborhood, I would definitely be a regular visitor.

Meeting a bakery like this during my stay was a true blessing.

If you ever visit Paris, be sure to check it out. You’ll probably find yourself craving their bread again the next day.

Best croissant in Paris

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