【Tips For a Trip In Japan】 Stay In Iriomote /Breakfast at a hotel with a terrace offering a great view

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Hello guys! I’m an Okinawa-based blogger who travels both domestically and internationally, capturing photos and videos, and sharing my journey and lifestyle on my blog. This time, it’s all about Iriomote Island, part of Okinawa’s remote islands.

It’s been nearly ten years since I last visited Ishigaki Island.

This time, I’m off to Iriomote Island, a place I’ve never been before, among the Yaeyama Islands.

I’m ready to soak in the natural beauty of Iriomote, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and refresh my spirit.


・Stay at Nilaina Resort on Iriomote Island: Part 2

Nilaina Resort on Iriomote

Nilaina Resort is a cozy inn run by a couple from Kumamoto. After gaining experience abroad in places like Australia, the owners moved to Iriomote Island 20 years ago.

The inn often welcomes guests from overseas as well.

The husband is a cheerful and laid-back character, and during our stay, he shared many interesting stories with us, including while driving us to and from the ferry and restaurants.

One evening, he called out, “The stars are out in full!” I rushed outside, and sure enough, the sky was filled with countless stars.

Although I live on Okinawa’s main island, which might be brighter in some areas, I don’t get to see as many stars as on this remote island. That’s the magic of Iriomote Island!

・Breakfast at the hotel featuring homemade honey.

I’m usually more of a night owl, so I often skip breakfast, but during my stay, I was excited for breakfast and got up early every day.

It rained a little in the morning, but after the rain, a big rainbow appeared. Unfortunately, I missed it while I was in the shower.

I started with some mango juice and then enjoyed a healthy Japanese breakfast.

While I was eating, it started raining again, but I could clearly see Sotobanari Island in the distance.

Nilaina Resort on Iriomote

The inn has a dog named Choppy, a sweet little girl. She was so calm and warmed up to me right away.

On the third morning of my stay, the owner offered to set up breakfast for me on the outdoor terrace. I enjoyed my meal with a beautiful view, surrounded by tropical plants like the “Ougibashou” and the natural beauty of Iriomote Island.

It was the perfect way to start the day.

Nilaina Resort on Iriomote

I had some homemade honey during my stay. I spread it on bread and added it to my yogurt for dessert.

The owner runs a beekeeping farm and is still working to harvest pure honey by exploring new methods.

I was really inspired by his positive mindset and dedication.

You can actually purchase this 100% natural honey at Nilaina Resort.

A bird called the “Ryukyu Akashobin” came to visit a tree in the garden outside my room. I wonder if it was this bird whose call I kept hearing all along?

This inn has a jacuzzi on the terrace, and while there’s no pool, the beach is within walking distance. The setting is surrounded by lush plants and nature. The delicious breakfasts and the owner’s warm personality made me want to come back again.

How did you like my post of Niraina Resort?

Next up, I’ll be sharing my experience of driving around the island with a rental car. Thanks for reading!

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